Sources of food for termites.

Forget Bookworms - BookTermites!

Termites will eat through many materials in search for food, but it's not just wood that they'll eat. Paper & cardboard is made from trees and is abundant in alpha-cellulose which is their primary food source. Cardboard boxes and other timber based materials all provide food for termites, so it's important to keep these safe. Boxes stored in basements, garages and even attics are all on the menu. So keep this in mind when you're storing things away!

Shcedorhinotermes termites ate through many books on this bookshelf in a house on the Central Coast.  

Shcedorhinotermes termites ate through many books on this bookshelf in a house on the Central Coast.  

The termites came up through the bottom of the cupboard, foraging along the bottom of the books and eating the ones they fancied! 

The termites came up through the bottom of the cupboard, foraging along the bottom of the books and eating the ones they fancied!