Timber isn’t the best material for landscaping.

I won't get termites in my retaining wall or garden bed, right? After all, it's treated!  

There is a certain amount of truth to this statement, however, other factors need to be considered.

  • Ineffectiveness of treatments - Some treatments are not effective in the long term and require regular re treatment, which of course, in the "real world" is seldom done.

  • Effective treatments can be dangerous - Some treatments effectively protect timbers from fungal decay and termites, however, they can be potentially more dangerous than we would like. (CCA)


1) Not all timbers are durable in the weather - Some timbers are able to withstand extreme weather and attack from pests, others, however, may not be so durable. 

Although some timbers are treated, this may preserve them for a period of time, these may not last extended period of time and may eventually fail to protect the timber.

Although this timber retaining wall was treated, after many years the treatment has failed to prevent fungal decay. Although no termites ate the timber, the fungal decay will eventually cause the timber to fail.

Although this timber retaining wall was treated, after many years the treatment has failed to prevent fungal decay. Although no termites ate the timber, the fungal decay will eventually cause the timber to fail.

Other treatments may be highly effective, but may be dangerous. At the moment, an effective treatment for preserving timber against termite attack and fungal decay is Copper Chrome Aresnate (CCA). If you think that sounds a lot like arsenic, you'd be right! It's still used for preserving timbers found at your local hardware stores. We actually managed to find several examples in a local hardware store chain here in Australia. Similar treated timbers are easily sourced in the USA and other countries as well. 

Studies suggest that the arsenic in CCA treated timber can can leach out through physical contact and via water contact.

Whatever treatment may have been used on this retaining wall post was no longer protecting it from termite damage.

Whatever treatment may have been used on this retaining wall post was no longer protecting it from termite damage.

These Termites Schedorhinotermes Sp. were discovered in a timber retaining wall on Lake Macquarie.

These Termites Schedorhinotermes Sp. were discovered in a timber retaining wall on Lake Macquarie.

The maintenance program on this timber retaining wall was not regular enough to prevent fungal decay.

The maintenance program on this timber retaining wall was not regular enough to prevent fungal decay.

Spotlight on Treated timber - Copper Chrome Arsenate. (CCA)

Isn’t arsenic a thing of the past? No, it’s still commonly used and you may find that it’s found in more places than you’d think.

A timber retaining wall such as this one is a common use of Copper Chrome Arsenate treated timber.

A timber retaining wall such as this one is a common use of Copper Chrome Arsenate treated timber.

Where will i find Arsenic around my home?

The most likely place is in treated pine sleepers. The arsenic is in the preservative treatment for the timber in the form of compounds of Copper, Chromium and Arsenic. The Copper prevents fungal attack, the Arsenic prevents insect (like termite) attack on the timber and the Chromium binds these two to the timber. It certainly is effective in preventing termites and other timber pests, but that’s not the scope of this post.

What does CCA treated timber look like?

CCA treated timber must be labeled as so when being sold prior to use, so you will likely see a label to that effect. Once in situ, the timber has a greenish tinge when newly treated, this will fade over time.

This H4 treated timber is clearly labeled as treated with Copper Chrome Arsenate.

This H4 treated timber is clearly labeled as treated with Copper Chrome Arsenate.

What are the risks?

Should I be worried about using CCA treated timber?

CCA treated timber is hazardous, and as such, in 2005 the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicine Authority advised that timber containing CCA is not to be used for high contact structures such as playground equipment. Additionally on the 1st July 2012, new restrictions were in place which stipulates that CCA treated timbers need to be supplied to, and used by suitably qualified individuals based on the authorisation provided by a relevant state or territory law.

This wording can seem ambiguous and difficult to decipher, however, in simple terms: in our experience, at the time of writing, in NSW, Australia, CCA treated timber is readily and easily purchased from local hardware suppliers with little, if any enquiry or determination of the suitability of the material for such use. As a case in point, a client of ours purchased and built a cubby house for their children with CCA timber on the “window sill” of the cubby house. A high contact area!

A Cubby house Built with CCA treated window sills.

A Cubby house Built with CCA treated window sills.

Is it safe for my child to play on CCA Equipment?

According to International studies, children playing on CCA treated timber play equipment contributes between 2–8 per cent of the safe daily acceptable limits set by the World Health Organisation. It also is within the safe daily acceptable limits set by the Australian Department of Health and Ageing.


What can I do to protect myself and my family?

There is much research into the effects of CCA when touched through normal use in timber structures, and the statistics and conclusions vary. However, based on the Western Australian Department of health, there are some minimum precautions that can be taken.

  1. Wash children’s hands after using play equipment.

  2. Put food onto plates and napkins rather than directly on a wooden picnic table.

Additionally, some research suggests there is some benefit in painting timber to limit exposure to arsenic, painting with an oil based paint or stain may reduce the exposure. The coating will need to be applied every 12-18 months.

When it comes to raised garden beds, if you’re using CCA treated timber for your vegetable garden, you may want to line the inside with plastic before adding soil and keep plants away from the edge of the garden bed. Although the preservative is designed to remain locked in the timber there could be some leeching. This will help minimise edibles absorbing preservative compounds from the timber.

This vegetable garden bed could do with some lining to minimise any preservatives from the timber entering the edible plants!

This vegetable garden bed could do with some lining to minimise any preservatives from the timber entering the edible plants!

Potential problems..waiting to happen.

Building using recycled materials certainly makes ecological sense, however, they need to be understood so as to be used most effectively. Used railway sleepers are often used in new building work, but they are usually not treated and can also be a problem when attached to a building. It's best to avoid using any recycled susceptible timber if it comes into contact with the ground.


A retaining wall/landscaping timber attached to a building, causing a potential breaching point for termites. 


These timbers will negatively impact both a physical and chemical barrier.