How to reduce conducive conditions to termite infestation.
A downpipe draining against a building, it's like a pub with free beer for termites!
Often when we find termites in a house, it's no surprise what we find outside. Termites need not only food but moisture to survive, so if there is a place near a building where there is a good constant supply of moisture, it will most likely attract termites there. That's exactly what happened in this instance. Upon discovering the termite entry point inside the house, it was no surprise to find that this downpipe was constantly dripping water against the house.
Here's a great free tip on reducing your homes attractiveness to termites. Remove any water sources that could be leaking against the structure. Ensure all leaking taps are repaired and that all your downpipes are connected properly.
Other things to look out for include hot water units and air conditioner overflows.